StrongHold v1.2
This new release of StrongHold has a modular structure catering for multiple input and output languages. See for more information StrongHold bricks
StrongHold releases 
- The new release is certified to work with Java JDK 6.0
- Support for a complete JSF based web GUI for the converted application.
- Automatic update of client software and GUI definitions through the application server. This will eliminate the need to have a separate procedure to update the client.
- The application server option supports the sending and receiving of developer defined messages between client and application-server. Implementation of those messages on client and server can be integrated through an API by the developer.
- All changes to the default Look-And-Feel are done through Java's UIManager. This will allow for more customization and installing third party Look-And-Feels.
- In the conversion process extra options will be available to display different kind of GUI items such as lists, checkboxes, password fields. The actions on the user screens and layout of tables will have more customizable options. Customizable API's will be available to incorporate these features during the conversion process.
- The StrongHold tools interface is improved allowing for a visual Editor to change screen layout within the conversion process. The preferences and options for the build process will become accessible through one single entry point.
StrongHold v1.10
In this StrongHold release you have the option to run your application on an Application server. Click here to find out more on this.
Next to the application server option the following changes are noteworthy:
- Most of the open source code which has been used in StrongHold has been upgraded. Some bugs were fixed, code optimized and sometimes replaced by functionality now default available in Java.
- All used keyboard equivalents are now fully customizable to fit the needs of specific clients.
- The way the application fills tables on screen has been drastically modified. This makes for quicker tables and better updating.
Information on individual fixed bugs in StrongHold can be found in Track
Access to track requires a log-in. StrongHold specific bugs are only accessible to StrongHold clients