Brains2B has been working hard to release the modular version of the tools allow for different input and output options

StrongHold Bricks

Our new solutions have all been beta tested with real customer code. At time of writing we have not converted enough sources to meet our high quality standards. For a solution to be market ready we need to have done at least 5000 sources from different clients. We are looking for customers who are willing to convert their legacy application with a discount so we can proof our solutions further.


Interested in converting your legacy application with our new possibilities. Please contact us to discuss the options:

telephone: +31 6-14665800

If you rather wait until the solutions are fully matured we can keep you informed of our progress. Please sent us an email at

Please provide the input and output options you are most interested in so we can send you the relevant information

The output option you select is independent of the input language of your legacy application. The advantage of this: the framework StrongHold delivers for any option has a borad user base and functionality converted for one language is available for all others

We have plans to support other languages and output options in the future. We will look for real customer questions in determining which options to provide. At the current time however we will be spending our energy in getting these options to the required quality

Conversion of Oracle Forms

Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports, also known as Oracle Developer were Oracle's 4GL language to develop graphical business applications. The support for this product is waining and Oracle offers JDeveloper as the new alternative to Oracle Forms. Oracle does not offer an automated option to move from Oracle Forms to Oracje JDeveloper. With StrongHold Bricks Brains2B offers a solution that can convert to JDeveloper or any other of our output options


Conversion of Ms Access

It is not uncommon for companies to start applications in Microsoft Access or Excel that will later grow out to be a critical business application. Unfortunately those Office applications do not scale well to a large number of users or large amount of data. They might also not fit with the business critical infrastructure. For Ms Access Brains2B offers a conversion to a full Java solution using an complete RDMBS allowing your application to scale with the importance it has to your business.


The conversion of MS Access to Java is offered to business only. Brains2B does not do business with consumers directly and does not offer solutions for non-business infrastructures.

3 tier solution

Our 3 tier solution has been around for a while. A description you can find here. In the new release of StrongHold we offer a few new possibilities

A complete Java/JSF web solution

From StrongHold's first version customers have been asking for a full web version of the converted application. Up until now we have not been able to deliver the user experience that was required, because the field level validation customers were expecting could not be delivered in HTML. Now with the help of Ajax and JSF and on the basis of the n-tier solution we can supply a complete web application that runs in your browser.


  • At the moment approximately 1300 objects from client applications were successfully converted

Convert your application directly to JDeveloper

Especially our Oracle Forms clients were very interested in replacing Oracle Forms with Oracle JDeveloper. We have made big straights to use the functionality and ADF framework of JDeveloper with converted Oracle Forms.
